Craig W. Smith Named One of Nation’s Top Attorney Fee Experts

The Nation’s Top Attorney Fee Experts of 2020

The National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) announced its listing of The Nation’s Top Attorney Fee Experts of 2020, and Robbins LLP Partner Craig W. Smith was recognized for his “Extensive Expertise on Attorney Fee Matters in Common Fund Litigation.”  Congratulations Craig!

NALFA, a non-profit group, is building a worldwide network of attorney fee expertise. Our network includes members, faculty, and fellows with expertise on the reasonableness of attorney fees. We help organize and recognize qualified attorney fee experts from across the U.S. and around the globe. Our attorney fee experts also include court adjuncts such as bankruptcy fee examiners, special fee masters, and fee dispute neutrals.

Every year, we announce the nation’s top attorney fee experts. Attorney fee experts are retained by fee-seeking or fee-challenging parties in litigation to independently prove reasonable attorney fees and expenses in court or arbitration. Here are the nation’s top attorney fee experts of 2020:

“The Nation’s Top Attorney Fee Expert”
John D. O’Connor
O’Connor & Associates
San Francisco, CA

“Over 30 Years of Legal Fee Audit Expertise”
Andre E. Jardini
KPC Legal Audit Services, Inc.
Glendale, CA

“The Nation’s Top Bankruptcy Fee Examiner”
Robert M. Fishman
Cozen O’Connor
Chicago, IL

“Widely Respected as an Attorney Fee Expert”
Elise S. Frejka
Frejka PLLC
New York, NY

“Experienced on Analyzing Fees, Billing Entries for Fee Awards”
Robert L. Kaufman
Woodruff Spradlin & Smart
Costa Mesa, CA

“Highly Skilled on a Range of Fee and Billing Issues”
Daniel M. White
White Amundson APC
San Diego, CA

“Extensive Expertise on Attorney Fee Matters in Common Fund Litigation”
Craig W. Smith
Robbins LLP
San Diego, CA

“Highly Experienced in Dealing with Fee Issues Arising in Complex Litigation”
Marc M. Seltzer
Susman Godfrey LLP
Los Angeles, CA

“Total Mastery in Resolving Complex Attorney Fee Disputes”
Peter K. Rosen
Los Angeles, CA

“Understands Fees, Funding, and Billing Issues in Cross Border Matters”
Glenn Newberry
Eversheds Sutherland
London, UK

“Solid Expertise with Fee and Billing Matters in Complex Litigation”
Bruce C. Fox
Obermayer Rebmann LLP
Pittsburgh, PA

“Excellent on Attorney Fee Issues in Florida”
Debra L. Feit
Stratford Law Group LLC
Fort Lauderdale, FL

“Nation’s Top Scholar on Attorney Fees in Class Actions”
Brian T. Fitzpatrick
Vanderbilt Law School
Nashville, TN

“Great Leader in Analyzing Legal Bills for Insurers”
Richard Zujac
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Philadelphia, PA


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