Law360 Interviews Brian Robbins

On November 11, 2010, Law360 published a Q & A with Brian J. Robbins, co-founder and managing partner of Robbins Umeda LLP.*  In the interview, Robbins discusses his most challenging case, aspects of the law that need reform, and where he believes the firm’s next wave of cases will come from.

When asked to describe his proudest accomplishment as an attorney, Robbins cited the securities class action suit against Titan Inc., alleging securities fraud and Foreign Corrupt Policies Act violations.  Robbins Umeda LLP served as co-lead counsel and secured a $61.5 million settlement for the class – approximately half of the measurable damages of the case and one of the largest recoveries of its kind in San Diego at the time.

Robbins also describes what he considers his most difficult case: shareholder derivative litigation on behalf of OM Group, Inc.  The suit started off as one kind of case and, after the firm's initial efforts, morphed into a huge accounting fraud.  After years of complex litigation, Robbins Umeda LLP negotiated a settlement that included a $29 million payment to the company, the termination of the company’s CEO, and the implementation of numerous value enhancing corporate governance procedures at the company.

* The firm name changed from Robbins Umeda LLP to Robbins LLP on January 1, 2013.

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