San Diego Business Journal Names Attorney Brian Robbins to Best of the Bar 2015 List

San Diego Business Journal named attorney Brian Robbins to its Best of the Bar 2015 list, which honors San Diego lawyers in private practice nominated by their peers as the most outstanding in their field. According to SDBJ, the list is a showcase for the area's top attorneys and a resource for anyone needing legal services.

Brian Robbins is managing partner of Robbins LLP and represents shareholders, employees, consumers, and businesses in complex litigation. Focusing on shareholder rights litigation, Mr. Robbins has served as lead or co-lead counsel in cases across the country on behalf of U.S. and international clients. He has secured hundreds of millions of dollars in monetary recoveries and comprehensive corporate governance enhancements for shareholders and the public corporations in which they have invested. He also speaks to audiences as an advocate for shareholders.

When SDBJ asked about an influential person in his career, Mr. Robbins recalled an attorney he was acquainted with as a child. "He was excited to be his own boss and took pride in representing clients he liked, achieving results for them, and holding wrongdoers accountable. I became a lawyer and built my practice representing investors and other clients with these ideals in mind," Robbins said.

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