Investment Monitoring for Shareholders in 2020

Year in Review

Stocks had a big end of the year jump and investors came out on top despite the ongoing trade war and Federal Reserve halting rate cuts. While the end of the year headlines reveal a positive outcome for investors, corporate misconduct can cause investors harm. Last year we saw corporate misconduct in companies like Lyft, Inc. (LYFT), which was accused of inflating its IPO price by overstating its market share, Carnival Corporation & Plc (CCL), for violating the terms of its probation and its mandated environmental compliance plan, and popular cannabis stocks like Canopy Growth Corp’s (CGC), which was accused of misleading shareholders about its weak demand for its softgel and oil products. As a result, Robbins LLP investigated over 250 publicly traded companies in 2019 for wrongdoing ranging from insider trading, misstatements, and accounting fraud.

Improving Your 2020 Outcome With Investment Monitoring

Even the best investors perform an end of the year analysis to learn from their biggest successes and failures. You have likely set up your investment portfolio for 2020 so that you are in the best situation to obtain positive returns in the New Year. However, your work does not end at building a portfolio.

Updating Stock Watch with your most recent purchases will ensure you have peace of mind in 2020 and allow us to effectively monitor your publicly traded companies for corporate wrongdoing.

Having information at your fingertips is easier than ever. Enroll in Robbins LLP’s free investment monitoring service, Stock Watch, for notifications of corporate misconduct impacting the value of your investments, advice on how to hold corporate officers and directors accountable for their misconduct, and to receive information about class action settlements. 

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